Dedicated DUI Firm With Years Of Experience
A DUI is considered a serious offense, associated with harsh consequences. Any indication given to police, such as swerving on the road, will provide them grounds to stop you for suspicion of drinking and driving. As they conduct their tests and ask you multiple questions, sometimes you can’t help but feel nervous under such stressful conditions. You might not even know if their procedures are in accordance with the law.
That’s why having a team of dedicated DUI defense lawyers with more than 45 years of combined experience represent you is an important action to take to ensure your rights are being protected. At Meadows Law Firm, we are persistent when it comes to examining the evidence and police protocol in order to provide the help you need.
Schedule your free consultation today. Contact us!
Ways To Fight Your DUI Charge
There are several factors which can prove relevant to your defense, based on the basic facts presented in your case. Even though not all will apply, the purpose is to refine your exact defense while we further investigate any abnormalities in the police report.
In court, the prosecutor will highlight various aspects of your case as evidence that you were drunk driving. This could include such things as an odor of alcohol from your breath, poor performance during the field sobriety test, or incriminating results of the blood or breath alcohol test. Despite the amount of evidence presented against you, each piece is subject to multiple interpretations, faulty assumptions, and ambiguity.
Strategies we may utilize include:
- Officer failed to read you your Miranda rights
- Heartburn or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) can cause a falsely high reading on a DUI breath alcohol test
- Police lacked probable cause for your arrest
- Signs of DUI were actually signs of fatigue
- Signs of DUI were due to driving miscues
- Alcohol on your breath doesn’t mean you are under the influence
- Weaving within your lane didn’t justify a DUI stop
- Possible errors occurred in your DUI blood and breath alcohol testing
- There is no measure or grade for your field sobriety test performance
Do Not Hesitate To Make An Appointment With Us Today!
At Meadows Law Firm, our Butler County and Southwest Ohio DUI defense attorneys are included in the Top 100 National Trial Lawyers Association and our founding attorney has scored a perfect 10.0 Avvo® Rating. What sets our firm apart from the others is our commitment to excellence and unfaltering professionalism.
For a free consultation, call us at 513-454-6746.